Post-Workshop Documentation:

Pre-Workshop Studies

Puerto Rico Workshop:


Useful links:

GEOSS Support for Decision-Making in the Coastal Zone: Managing and Mitigating the Impacts of Human Activities and Natural Hazards in the Coastal Zone

A workshop series organized by the GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice

Earth Observation Support for Sustainable Tourism in Small Island States
March 9-11, 2011, Puerto Rico

Workshop Format: During the first day, invited key notes in plenary sessions provided guidance and charges for detailed breakout sessions during the second day. The goal of these breakout session was to clarify the user needs and relevant issues, and to identify steps toward developing an implementation plan that would address the user needs in this area, including the development of supporting pilot projects. During the second day, there was the opportunity to present posters, and a dedicated poster session provided time for authors and participants to discuss the posters in more detail. The third day provided ample opportunities to discuss the way forward in plenary sessions.

  • Day 1 highlights: Plenary sessions that provide a forum for users to highlights the relevant information needs and for scientists to consider the resulting observing needs and opportunities, summarizing the findings of a pre-workshop effort that provided this user workshop with an initial list of potential phenomena of interest, variables and indicators, and existing observation capabilities, as well as identify the gaps in existing observing/modeling/decision-support systems. Theses plenary session also provided guidance and charges to the breakout groups.
  • Day 2 highlights: Breakout sessions, poster session, and a plenary session with reports from the breakout sessions. The breakout groups were tasked with the overall goals to (1) assess the information needs based on a better understanding of the relevant issues, conflicts of interest, and needs; (2) review, refine and advise as to coastal observing system and decision-support system adequacy and needs. The breakout session focused on topcis such as addressing natural hazards in order to increasing the safety of tourism in the Caribbean; increasing benefits for sustainable tourism and reducing impacts on ecosystems; supporting long-term planning that takes into account trends, economic challenges, and climate change; designing the observation systems and services for early warning; monitoring ecosystems, biodiversity, and impacts (pollution); and linking providers and users through decision support systems and organizational actions. These breakout sessions developed the outlines of an observing and decision-support system that will fill the high-priority gaps, setting the stage for focused discussions on the design of the potential pilot projects.
  • Day 3 highlights: Plenary session discussing the way forward, developing recommendations; and initiating actions.

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